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ASHE has become aware that, effective on February 22, 2022, AT&T shut down its 3G services. T-Mobile (Sprint 3G backbone) will be deactivated on June 20, 2022 and T-Mobile (remaining 3G backbone) will be deactivated by July 1, 2022. Verizon began the retirement of its 3G network late last year and plans to completely retire the system by the end of 2022. 
  Per the FDA, the draft guidance is intended to help clarify whether activities performed on devices are likely "remanufacturing." Such clarification is intended to help provide consistency and better understanding of applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. The draft guidance also provides recommendations for information that should be included in labeling to help assure the continued quality, safety and effectiveness of devices that are intended to be serviced over their useful life.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) on Monday, June 21, to protect health care workers from occupational exposure to COVID-19. The ETS applies, with some exceptions, to health care settings where people may share space with COVID-19 patients or interact with others who do. The ETS requires health care employers to develop and implement a COVID-19 plan that identifies and controls COVID-19 hazards in the workplace.
- In 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted new Conditions of Participation that incorporated the 2012 editions of NFPA 101 and NFPA 99. CMS recently provided ASHE with the following guidance on some frequently asked questions regarding the new CMS requirements.
The 2017 ASHE Advocacy Report includes articles on improving codes, code compliance, and outreach. DOWNLOAD NOW
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