
ASHE ICRA 2.0™ includes several improvements and clarifications to help in prevention planning for construction projects.
Use this HVA tool to assist your multidisciplinary group in assessing and prioritizing exercises for potential hazards/risk.
This tool helps determine the appropriate special locking arrangement to permit compliant egress in the event of a fire alarm activation.
Review the certification process and ongoing requirements for the physical environment provisions of compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) in USP <797>.
This risk assessment tool has been developed to help health care facility staff comply with the risk-based, patient-focused approach described by the 2021 version of NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code.
The Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) has issued a call for public comments on proposed updates to the 2026 edition of the FGI Guidelines.
Achieve the facility you want. With information specific to health care facilities, these guidelines assign accountability for actual building performance to the entire project team, including the health facility commissioning authority.
Lunch & Learn | REMEDI8 | Continual Survey Readiness – Not Just in The Healthcare Occupancy
The ASHE Mechanical Systems Handbook is a comprehensive guide to designing, operating, and maintaining mechanical systems in health care facilities.
Lunch & Learn | Become the expert on environmental monitoring of the spaces in healthcare facilities based on ASHRAE-170, USP-797 and USP-800 and understand how to specify proper monitoring devices to ensure regulatory compliance and minimize staff monitoring efforts.