Financial Management

Gain a greater understanding of finances and budgeting in health care facilities.
This monograph sets forth energy procurement best practices and explains how hospitals should approach energy procurement using the principles of aggregation, alignment, and analytics.
This monograph presents strategies facility professionals can use to develop relationships with hospital leaders and show the value of their work. The monograph includes real-world examples of facility professionals who have successfully shown the value of their departments to organizational…
Speakers: Ed Tinsley, Mark Smith, Gerry Kaiser and Mike Fullerton2013 PDC Summit
This monograph provides guidance on how to determine replacement needs for electrical distribution equipment, including strategies for upgrading an electrical distribution system.
Speaker: William DeitenbeckIn health care an understanding of finance is critical to make the best use of limited dollars. This presentation will provide a basic understanding of the time value of money and other financial tools, how they are used in decision making, and how to present the analysis…