ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 189.3-2021


The purpose of this standard is to prescribe the procedures, methods, and documentation requirements for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance, sustainable health care facilities. Health care facilities have a substantial interest in sustainable and resilient development. These facilities are among the largest and most energy intensive buildings in a community, and their leadership recognizes that opportunities to conserve energy, reduce operating costs, and improve the environment are included in their stewardship with the communities they serve. However, requirements for safety can be at odds with sustainability goals. The intent of this standard is to bridge the potential for sustainability offered in Standard 189.1 with the practical needs of the health care community.


Order Print Version Catalog number: 055596
Member: $65.00, Non-Member: $87.00
Order Digital version Catalog number: P055596
Member: $65.00, Non-Member: $87.00

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