Success Stories - Kaiser Permanente

Overview of Case Study

The Kaiser Permanente System, which has 39 hospitals spread across eight states and the District of Columbia, is known for its innovative and effective clinical services. But the organization is equally innovative and effective in its sustainability efforts.

“There has been a lot of activity regarding saving energy at Kaiser,” says Dave Lockhart, who is currently a support service administrator on Kaiser’s Roseville campus, and previously served two and a half years in Kaiser’s headquarters. “I’ve been with Kaiser for 26 years. I am very passionate about energy conservation, and the organization is very engaged.”

Lockhart says Kaiser Permanente took big steps in sustainability about seven years ago,
shortly after the Roseville campus was expanded to triple its size.

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Related Resources

Energy efficiency—or energy productivity, takes a village or team to produce results.
This first step on the energy efficiency journey is viewing the hospital portfolio as from a mountaintop.
The self-funded approach to an energy sustainability program is often referred to as the “Long Push” because it is a multi-year, multi-phase program
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